ORA-24454: client host name is not set
Never give up and never stop.... keep trying until you win or die..
Saturday, October 14, 2023
ORA-24454: client host name is not set
RMAN Cold backup restoration ( rman cold backup and then restore using rman)
Below can be followed for rman cold backup restoration ( Rare scenario)
1. shut immediate;
2. startup mount;
3. Take rman backup using below script
rman target /
spool log to '/backup/db_mig/DB_COLD_BKP.log'
run {
allocate channel c1 device type disk ;
allocate channel c2 device type disk ;
allocate channel c3 device type disk ;
allocate channel c4 device type disk ;
backup database tag='COLD_BKP' format '/backup/db_mig/DB_COLD_s%s_p%p-t%T.bck';
backup tag='COLD_BKP' format '/backup/db_mig/%d_cfile_s%s_p%p_open.bck' current controlfile;
backup tag DB_CTL current controlfile format '/backup/db_mig/%d_%T_%s_%p_CONTROL';
backup spfile format '/backup/db_mig/%d_spfile_s%s_p%p_%T_dbid%I.rman';
sql 'alter database backup controlfile to TRACE';
release channel c1;
release channel c2;
release channel c3;
release channel c4;
4. Copy the backup pieces to Target server.
Now go to Target server
Make sure you are in Target database.
If Target database is up and running then:
5. shut immediate;
6. startup mount restrict;
7. drop database;
8. startup nomount pfile='pfile.ora'
9. Restore using below for rman cold backup restore.
rman auxiliary /
SET NEWNAME FOR DATABASE TO '/u01/inttest/data/%b';
DUPLICATE target DATABASE TO 'INTTEST' backup location ='/u02/RMAN_BKP' nofilenamecheck noredo;
10. Validate it.
Monday, September 18, 2023
Could not obtain an exclusive lock to the embedded LDAP data files
EBS weblogic not coming up : Could not obtain an exclusive lock to the embedded LDAP data files
Remove lok files from Domain/Servers/AdminServer/Ldap/ location.
Clear the tmp and cache directory from AdminServer.
It came up fine.
Oracle EBS 12.2 weblogic admin server taking huge time
Oracle EBS 12.2 weblogic admin server taking huge time
Admin server taking a huge time to come up in Solaris:
Issue due to tmp directory getting huge size.
mv tmp tmp_old
Friday, May 12, 2023
Concurrent Program is running more than 120 mins
Concurrent Program is running more than 120 mins / 2 Hours
set pause off
set linesize 150
column fcr.request_id format a10 heading 'RQST_ID'
column fu.user_name format a10 heading 'Username'
column fr.responsibility_name format a35 heading 'Resp Name'
column fcp.user_concurrent_program_name format a40 heading 'Program Name'
column fcr.actual_start_date format a30 heading 'Start Date'
column fcr.status.code heading 'Status'
column fcr.actual_start_date format a10 heading 'Runtime Minutes'
column fcr.os_process_id format a15 heading 'SID, SERIAL'
column fcr.os_process_id format a10 heading 'SPID'
column fcr.os_process_id format a10 heading 'OS PID'
SELECT fcr.request_id rqst_id
,fcp.user_concurrent_program_name program_name
,TO_CHAR (fcr.actual_start_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')start_datetime
,DECODE (fcr.status_code, 'R', 'R:Running', fcr.status_code) status
,ROUND (((SYSDATE - fcr.actual_start_date) * 60 * 24), 2) runtime_min
,fcr.oracle_process_id "SPID"
,fcr.os_process_id os_pid
FROM apps.fnd_concurrent_requests fcr
,apps.fnd_user fu
,apps.fnd_responsibility_vl fr
,apps.fnd_concurrent_programs_vl fcp
WHERE fcr.status_code LIKE 'R'
AND fu.user_id = fcr.requested_by
AND fr.responsibility_id = fcr.responsibility_id
AND fcr.concurrent_program_id = fcp.concurrent_program_id
AND fcr.program_application_id = fcp.application_id
AND ROUND (((SYSDATE - fcr.actual_start_date) * 60 * 24), 2) > 120
ORDER BY fcr.concurrent_program_id
,request_id DESC;
SQL to get currently running Concurrent Program
SQL to get currently running Concurrent Program
set lines 200
col Manager_Name for a15;
col User_Name for a20;
col Manager_Name for a10;
col Program for a30;
col OSprocess for a10;
col LocalProcess for a12;
Select /*+ RULE */ substr(Concurrent_Queue_Name,1,12) Manager_Name,
Request_Id Request, User_Name,
fpro.OS_PROCESS_ID OSprocess,
fcr.oracle_process_id LocalProcess,
substr(Concurrent_Program_Name,1,35) Program, Status_code,
To_Char(Actual_Start_Date, 'DD-MON-YY HH24:MI') Started
from apps.Fnd_Concurrent_Queues fcq, apps.Fnd_Concurrent_Requests fcr,
apps.Fnd_Concurrent_Programs fcp, apps.Fnd_User Fu, apps.Fnd_Concurrent_Processes fpro
Phase_Code = 'R' And
Status_Code <> 'W' And
fcr.Controlling_Manager = Concurrent_Process_Id And
(fcq.Concurrent_Queue_Id = fpro.Concurrent_Queue_Id And
fcq.Application_Id = fpro.Queue_Application_Id ) And
(fcr.Concurrent_Program_Id = fcp.Concurrent_Program_Id And
fcr.Program_Application_Id = fcp.Application_Id ) And
fcr.Requested_By = User_Id
order by Started;
Oracle EBS Log/Out files suddenly stopped working and showing blank page
Oracle EBS Log/Out files suddenly stopped working and showing blank page
User starting complaining that they unable to see output of reports. When we submited the active users and facing the issue.
Cause of the issue:
txkFNDWRR.pl 1 KB size in location $EBS_ORACLE_HOME/common/scripts.
File looks corrupted.
Solution: We have copied the file from Non-Prod and it started working
Saturday, February 25, 2023
Unable to find an Output Post Processor service to post-process request
Unable to find an Output Post Processor service to post-process request
ORA-12547 TNS lost contact - During Listener startup
ORA-12547 TNS lost contact - During Listener startup
Issue due to SQLNET.ORA file has tcp_validate_nodes enables, after disabled it it came up fine.
This issue can be because of many reasons as documented in Doc ID 555565.1
ORA-27271: szingroup: group lookup failure - During Instance startup